The course starts with online materials you will get ahead of time. We recommend you study these, and take the Fundamentals of Frenzel program. This has been a massive help for new students, as equalization is typically the biggest challenge.
The course starts with theory, where you will learn the science and reasoning for what we do, how and why. In the pool we will do some static breath holds, as well as dynamic swims (swimming underwater for distance) where we will help improve form, and get used to breath holding under water.
After the pool we will do the skills session in shallow water. This is where we will get familiar with the gear, develop equalization and duck dives, and work through the rescues.
The final depth session has nothing new added, we just take the skills we've learned throughout the class and go a bit deeper with them. On weekend classes, the depth session will end in a cookout with other divers in our community who are out training!
We typically do these on weekends, so we do a Friday night classroom session (5-7PM), Saturday morning pool (0645-0930) and Saturday afternoon shallow water session (1030-1400) all in Mission Beach. Sunday depth session is at La Jolla Shores from 8-11 (or 7-10 during the summer)