Bringing back the old way of doing things, Freediving/Ocean Loving Community Meetup.
Keeping it simple, keeping it fun!
Sundays we dive, usually a combination of a class and a training session. After said line diving we invite you to hang with the crew - snorkel/frolic/cookout/converse/etc. If you want to be a part of the line diving crew you must hold a certification and sign up for a group line diving session.
8-11am - Line Diving
11-2pm - snorkeling, potluck, shenanigans
We meet in the lawn at Kellogg Park at La Jolla Shores (look for dive floats/gear, and usually the DiveViz canopy tent).
This is a great event to come out and meet with people to get in the water for a snorkel. Generally people meet around noon at our tent and a group goes out together to snorkel about that time. Theres no exact time you have to get in and snorkel, but we suggest that if you'd like to go with a group try to show up by 1130 to get ready.
Basically once we get back to the tent after line diving, we commence the hang out sesh. People are welcome to come and go as they please.
We normally bring some grub to grill up and share, but this is a POTLUCK sanctioned event... so bringing something to share as well is greatly appreciated. On that note, its also BYOB if you like to indulge in the adult style beverages. We suggest bringing reusable plates and cutlery and cups... we will not provide single use dining waste during these events.
Any changes or announcements will be made via instagram (@justgetwet_) or feel free to email us at
See ya out there, stoked to welcome new-comers and known friendly faces into the community! :)